Author(s): Dr. Sudhir Pathare
Abstract: The health sector despite the skylarking developments and medical advancements in the area of diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation does not see a limelight. We have witnessed a hike in the average lifespan of humans in both the developed and developing countries. But are we sure that these life years go healthily and peacefully. The answer is a big and candid 'NO'. The reason is our intellect and ego is not smart enough to sustain smart health.
We do have a quick recipe for Smart health. Whatever may be the misalignment we feel in our life in terms of our health at the physical, mental, spiritual, moral or social level, these Ten Commandments may help us fetch a better tomorrow if followed today.
Keywords: Democracy, Female Representation, Women in Politics, Gender Equality, Political Leadership, Political Parties, Inclusive Governance, Women’s Empowerment, Policy Outcomes, Intersectionality, Political Participation.
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Good Health in a Smart World