Special Issue: Volume 11, Issue 12, December - 2024

Gender, Labor, and Empowerment: The Lives of Women Porters in Darjeeling

Author(s): Megha Nawbagh

Abstract: In the 21st century, even with significant progress and advancements, women still encounter challenges and inequalities that undermine their confidence and self-worth. This paper delves into gender, labor, and empowerment, with a particular focus on the experiences of women in the workforce, shaped by social, cultural, and economic factors. The study focuses on the unique challenges faced by the women porters in Darjeeling, who undertake physically demanding tasks, carrying heavy loads and traversing uphill and downhill for several hours each day. While this occupation provides a source of economic independence, these women encounter numerous hurdles in the labor market. By examining their socio-economic circumstances, opportunities, challenges, and the impact of gender-based discrimination on their sense of empowerment, the study underscores the labor experiences of women porters in Darjeeling.

Keywords: Gender, Labor, Empowerment, Discrimination, Women Porters.


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Gender, Labor, and Empowerment: The Lives of Women Porters in Darjeeling


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Nawbagh, M. (2024). Gender, Labor, and Empowerment: The Lives of Women Porters in Darjeeling. SK International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Hub, 11(12), 199–203. https://doi.org/10.61165/sk.publisher.v11i12.40

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