Author(s): Rahul Ahlawat, Manisha
Abstract: Artificial intelligence and mathematics are interrelated branches of the same tree, wherein the integration of mathematical principles into programming to produce output that simulates human actions is the primary focus. This convergence of artificial intelligence and mathematics transcends mere science fiction and entails the formulation of foundational principles that govern algorithms for artificial intelligence. These principles are derived from mathematical concepts including calculus, probability, statistics, and linear algebra. All significant advancements in artificial intelligence are founded on mathematical principles, which serve as the building blocks for AI algorithms. In artificial intelligence, all fundamental data is represented as matrices, and vertebrae conduct operations on matrices, including multiplication and the determination of the inverses of matrix transposes. Linear algebra additionally enables the visualisation of data via techniques such as vector generation, matrix manipulation, and the creation of 3D or 2D diagrams. Within the realm of artificial intelligence, certainty does not exist and all phenomena are susceptible to probability. Uncertainty is perpetual. Occasionally, it is imperative to acknowledge the most probable solution. As an illustration, the image classifier model was trained by extracting features from each individual image across tens of thousands of images. Mathematics plays a pivotal role in the field of artificial intelligence by predominantly addressing the numerous challenges that arise within this domain. This methodology places emphasis on mathematical problem domains, such as inverse problems and partial differential equations, with the aim of creating enhanced solvers via the application of artificial intelligence techniques.
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Mathematical Principles, Linear Algebra, Application of Mathematics.
DOI: Availabe on author(s) request
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