Title: Sentiment Analysis on Reviews Based Twitter Data
Author: Ashwini Mahendra Raut, Prof. Dhanashree Kulkarni
Country: India
Title: Machine Learning Detection System Attacks on (KIDS) using Key-Recovery
Author: Mayuri Ganpatrao Rajgire, Prof. Vrushali Desale
Country: India
Title: The Roles of Intensive and Extensive Efficiencies in Study of Combustion Chambers; Baking Ovens
Author: Soroush Sadripour, Mohammad Estajloo, Seied Abdolmehdi Hashemi
Country: Iran
Title: Institutional Concerns of Development Induced Displacements: Human Right View
Author: Satya Vrat Shukla, Prof. (Dr.) Rohit P. Shabran
Country: India