Title: BER Calculation Using MATLAB Simulation for OFDM Transmission
Author: Meena Sune, Shashank Mane
Country: India
Title: Some Common Fixed Point Theorems for Pair of Non Commuting Expansive Type Mappings in Hilbert Space
Author: Dr. Neeraj Malviya, Dr. Geeta Agrawal
Country: India
Title: A Study of Issues & Challenges of Implementation of Information Technology in HRM
Author: Dr. M. Gomathi
Country: India
Title: Rural Entrepreneurship Challenges and Opportunities: A Case Study of Uzumba Rural Area in Zimbabwe
Author: Dr Takaruza Munyanyiwa, Morgen Mutsau
Country: Zimbabwe
Title: Banking Sector Reforms in India-Second Phase
Author: Dr. Ragini Agrawal
Country: India